Gone are the days when the elderly were revered. Many older people are now finding themselves abandoned in nursing facilities, with little or no contact with their immediate families. This is just one of the many tragic effects of aging and the family dynamic. With little funding actually going toward aging research, families are often left to deal with their parents estates, social security, taxes, and medical needs far sooner than they would have in years past.
One of the most prominent effects of aging and the family, is the fact that many baby boomers children, are now finding themselves faced with the challenges of taking care of their aging parents, as well as any younger children they may still have in the home. Not only can this cause extreme financial hardship, but you have to wonder, because of schedule conflicts and the like, do children actually benefit from this arrangement?
Generations Together
The effect of aging and the family, when aging parents are moved into the home, is found most prominently in any children remaining in the home. After the initial excitement of having grandma or grandpa around wears off, children may find themselves resenting the time with their parents that having to take care of grandparents consumes. Be certain that you make a point to set aside extra time, just for the kids, when you can spend quality one on one time together.
Family activities that don’t necessarily include grandma or grandpa are fine in moderation. But it is important to note that one of the effects of aging and the family dynamic, is that aging parents often become dependant upon their children not only for medical and financial support, but for social support. Continuously excluding them from family activities can have extremely adverse effects on their health.
If you are dealing with parents who are aging and the family changes that accompany those changes, try to remember that time is fleeting and any time you can give generously now will be given back ten fold in its rewards. There are a number of resources out there to help you in this new phase of your life, and can help to relieve the effects of aging and the family problems you may have.